We will explore the ecological strategies caregivers can use to help our children with regulation including transitions, routines/rituals, scaffolding and more. Register Now
Caregivers with experience will share their stories, tip and strategies to help children with regulation. We will focus on ecological strategies including transitions, routines/rituals, scaffolding and more. Register Now
FASD is a common topic among foster parents, but not many of our children have the diagnosis. Learn what it is and strategies to help your children. Register Now
We have all heard of the feelings that foster and adoptive children have, such as anger, sadness, and confusion. But what feelings are common among foster and adoptive parents? Join us as we look at feelings that many caregivers have and how to navigate the challenging ones. Register Now
Join Crystal Fox as she discusses the ins and outs of adopting from foster care in Kansas. You will learn about: identifying if your family is ready for an adoption journey, identifying the stakeholders in adoption, navigating the adoption process, (adoption steps, relative and sibling exploration and importance), recruitment process in Kansas, and identifying post...
Are you considering adoption from foster care but wish to know more? Not sure where to start or questioning if you are ready to pursue adoption. Please join us for our Adoption Q & A where we talk through many of these questions and many other frequently asked questions! Register Now
Learn how trust and safety are essential to developing relationships and what parenting characteristics are related to that. We will also talk about parenting strategies to help build your relationship. Register Now
We will explore part of the Empowering Principles to help children with regulation as well as look at practical strategies we can implement in the home. Register Now
We will explore part of the Empowering Principles to help children with regulation as well as look at practical strategies we can implement in the home. Register Now