
December 2022 Newsletter


Intimidated by Adopting? Why You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

Many people are intimidated when they think about adopting a child. Will I be a good enough role model? Will I provide well enough? What if I lose my temper or make a huge mistake in front of them? Well, let us be the first to say, none of these things should deter you from pursuing adoption. In fact, here’s the big secret: you are going to mess up!

Jennifer Meyer works for FosterAdopt Connect as a Family Training Specialist. She is also an adoptive parent. Jennifer and her husband, Dale, were foster parents for six years before adopting their daughter, E, a week before her second birthday. She has grown up in an environment of love and acceptance with the Meyers, and has also been able to maintain a relationship with her biological parents. But as much as Jennifer and Dale appear to be rock stars as parents, (and are, in our opinion), she’s the first to admit that they are far from perfect.

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Featured Upcoming Training Sessions

January 17 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Sibling Connections – Connections that siblings have with each other are some of the most important relationship in a person’s life. Join us to discuss how and why to keep siblings in foster care together, and how we can continue the bond if siblings are split up.

January 31 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Adaptations for Parents – Join us as we talk about how we cannot parent our youth in the same manner as “traditional” youth. This class will target the thinking and skills parents will need to adjust to assure that their parents responses successfully respond to the needs of the youth.

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